Featured Plan
- Gold Plan
Better for growing businesses
+ Up to 10 hours per week
+ 3 commercial locations
+ Unlimited home locations
+ Up to 36 computers
+ 4-hour daily limit
No matter where
Many issues can be resolved through remote access, which means we fix the problem in "real time" over the internet with no on-site personnel necessary. We have remote access clients across the country... and around the globe!
Most often, a JCMD support technician will be promptly dispatched to your location. If you're doing business in the greater Los Angeles area, there is a JCMD PoMP Plan just right for you. We offer on-site service within the following southland boundaries:
+ North to Santa Clarita+ South through Orange County
+ West from Ventura County
+ East to Rancho Cucamonga
Peace of Mind...
We are an international immigration law firm and require a complex computer network system. I don't know what we would do without the JCMD crew. The Pomp plan is a 101/2 out of 10. JCMD genuinely cares about their customers.
We have been a loyal JCMD client for over two years. The POMP Plan has allowed us to outsource our MIS function at a significant cost savings but without any loss of service. JCMD has become an invaluable resource for our headquarters and chain of restaurants.
JCMD is our own computer healthcare plan. They take care of our computer needs so that we can focus on taking care of our patients.